Material Forces or Ideational forces? Conflicts and Tensions in the Understanding of Religion in International Studies




ideational fores, material forces, international studies


The studies of foreign policy, economy, geopolitics, and war conflicts are central topics on the agenda of international studies, however, when studying them, we omit everything that seems far from the rational and quantitative, omitting to a great extent the reasoning that understands what is foreign to that. Aspects as powerful as those that circumscribe the religious phenomenon as the engine of international politics disappear in the analytical efforts of international scholars. In this article, we ask why thoughts, feelings, and ideas have been left aside as creative forces within international studies. Carrying out a bibliographical analysis, we can help to understand this omission, seeking at the same time to highlight the importance of this theme for a holistic understanding of the discipline.


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How to Cite

Material Forces or Ideational forces? Conflicts and Tensions in the Understanding of Religion in International Studies (N. Raggio Reyes , Trans.). (2023). Estudios Avanzados, 39, 127-144.

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