SILENCE, THAT NOISE WILL SPEAK! Writing and body from a reading to Val Flores




writing, Valeria Flores, chonguitas, experience, body


This article aims to inquire and reflect on writing recognizing their ability to validate and make the experience visible. The proposed conceptual framework responds mainly to a bibliographic review limited to the theoretical-scriptural work of Val Flores. In the first instance, this article rehearses the relationship between writing and certain figures that, in our opinion, contribute to the understanding of the scriptural process; Frankenstein, as a metaphor for a desire for rationality-uniqueness, and, the Trojan horse as dispossession in the exercise of scriptural. In a second instance, we propose the notion of writing against herself, present in the work of Val Flores as a writing key that allows to expand and dislocate the margins of mobility and organization of experiences, and that, we believe, is strongly manifested in the “Chonguitas project. Masculinities of girls”.


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How to Cite

SILENCE, THAT NOISE WILL SPEAK! Writing and body from a reading to Val Flores (A. Elgueda , Trans.). (2022). Estudios Avanzados, 36.

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