Weaved Learning in Chaco, Argentina





learning, fabric, Chaco, framework, commodification


The learning process to be analyzed here involves weavers from three groups from Wichi and Qom peoples of El Sauzalito, Misión Nueva Pompeya and Fortín Lavalle in relation to artisanal development agents and weavers from the cities of Resistencia and Corrientes, Argentina, with ethnographic method. The collection of information, in alternation with periods of systematization and reflection on the material collected, took place between August 2012 and August 2018. There are several elements that participate in the manufacture of a fabric to sell. In the mixture, the weaver is involved to the point of finding herself partly in the fabric she made. Gaze, thought, movement and feeling stand out in this doing that at the same  time  that  makes weaving  makes  weavers. And  the  same  step  by step of


weaving has a normative quality that anticipates the type of form that will develop, although not without combining it with a search, a desire for form.


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How to Cite

Weaved Learning in Chaco, Argentina (M. F. Perret , Trans.). (2021). Estudios Avanzados, 34, 26-36. https://doi.org/10.35588/estudav.v0i34.4828

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