Inter and transdisciplinary in the training process. Social Responsibility plus Innovation and Entrepreneurship. University of Talca
Higher Education, Interdsciplinary, Transdisciplinary, Service LearningAbstract
The qualitative research analyzed the contribution to the training process of 143 undergraduate students who took the pilot module Social Responsibility through Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University of Talca under the Service-Learning methodology, linking the student body with communities in the Region of Talca. Maule. Through content analysis, we sought to investigate how the inter- and transdisciplinary seal contributed to the teaching-learning process, taking into account the a priori categories: Interdisciplinary, Transdisciplinary, Social Skills and Professional Training. Among the results, it is observed that the students valued the experience, highlighting a positive contribution to their training process, highlighting an improvement in their social skills, collaborative work and approach to the real, diverse, challenging work world with complex problems in which to generate contributions.
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