Caracterizaction of Fish Production Chain and Challenges for the Consolidation of its Production Chain in the Ariquemes Municipality, in Rondonia, Brazil




fish farming, market analysis, local consumption


Fish farming in the municipality of Ariquemes, Rondonia, has grown in northwestern Brazil in recent years and currently stands out as the largest producer of native fish. However, the lack of information on the consumer market for this product could be detrimental to the strengthening of the fishing chain in the region. Given this scenario, the objective of this work is to describe and analyze the characteristics of the current fish production chain in Ariquemes, by mapping the trajectory of the fish consumed in the municipality and the propensity of the agents to provide the information necessary for a greater dimensioning in the future. The research had an exploratory and descriptive approach, using Bardin’s Content Analysis to examine institutional documents and specialized literature on fish farming in Ariquemes. Although this investigation was limited by the scarcity of information sharing, both by distributors and development institutions, it contributes to highlighting the low trust between the actors involved in the fish production chain, mapping the path of fish produced in Ariquemes and discussing market development capabilities in the region and the difficulties for this to happen.


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