Digital Ecosystem Model of Labour Resources Management in Economic Militarism




labour resources, digital transformation, business ecosystem model, management, digital platform


The purpose of the article is to study the management of human resources in conditions of uncertainty in the labor market of Ukraine due to military actions, to develop a model of an online platform for labour resources for the government of Ukraine, taking into account the development trends of the "Human Cloud" concept. In the conditions of military operations, uncertainty in the state of development of economic sectors (construction, architecture, maritime industry, ports, shipbuilding, agricultural production) and the strengthening of the influence of negative factors of the external and internal environment on labour resources, the dangers and threats in the system of their management are increasing, which negatively affect the quality of decision-making and implementation of projects. To prevent these processes in the military economy, it is proposed to apply the principles of the "Human Cloud" concept, based on its advantages in achieving a balance between ensuring the country's defense capability and economic stabilization, and an online platform model is proposed for its provision based on an ecosystem approach. The construction of online platforms is based on an aggregator model that does not require coordination and provides infrastructure for projects consisting of a large number of micro-tasks. It has been proven that in the context of military operations, it is necessary to develop transformative digital technologies, reform institutional processes, and unite the workforce in a single "cloud" to perform tasks in increasingly complex operational environments.


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Author Biographies

  • Viktor Koval, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

    Doctor of Economics, Professor, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine.

  • Oleg Kaminskyi, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

    Doctor of Economics, Department of Computer Mathematics and Information Security, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. Kyiv, Ukraine.

  • Vira Brednyova, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

    Ph.D., Professor, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Odessa, Ukraine.

  • Ludmila Kosharska, Odessa National Maritime University

    Ph.D.,Professor, Odessa National Maritime University, Odessa, Ukraine.







How to Cite

Digital Ecosystem Model of Labour Resources Management in Economic Militarism. (2022). People and Technology Management Journal, 15(45), 21.