The Affective-Psychic, the Dynamic, and the Complex. A (post) Critical Look




interdisciplinary, technologies, humanities, Günther, Derrida, Sloterdijk, System Dynamics


In this article we will try to show that the great difference when it comes to assuming, designing, and responding from the systemic point of view is given by the incorporation or not of the affective psychic. That, in this sense, the approaches and responses regarding our complex and uncertain existence on the planet can be distinguished and differentiated; which, in this article, will be reduced to four: normative analytics; the complex differential; the speculative techno-soul; and the systemic dynamics. And the hypothesis of this work is that the last two not only bear similarities, but also seem to be the most suitable and fruitful to take on our challenges in this 21st century.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Pablo Contreras Godoy, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

    PhD. Departamento de Estudios Humanísticos, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile.


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People Management

How to Cite

The Affective-Psychic, the Dynamic, and the Complex. A (post) Critical Look. (2021). People and Technology Management Journal, 14(42), 22.