Design of an improvement plan on the forced digitalization of project communications at a telecommunications operator in Venezuela




Improvement Plan, Communication, Digitization, Projects


If there is something that human beings can agree on, it is that communication is the cornerstone of any interaction, regardless of the environment where it is framed. From this idea, it also becomes evident that through communications human beings exchange information to achieve a specific objective. And it is that, given the lack of a plan for the management of communications, organizations can face countless problems, some of the most obvious can be pointed out: temporary deviations, re-jobs, errors in decisions, lack of documentary information, among others. To this must be added the problems associated with the low presence of people in their work environment, so that organizations have had to face a forced acceleration in the use of digital communication media to keep their work teams in communication. In this context, this research was aligned, which aimed to design a plan to improve forced digitization of communications between project collaborators within a telecommunications operator that is present in Venezuela. This research is of the type applied with a non-experimental field design in which the techniques of bibliographic review, direct observation and interviews were used to gather the information necessary to analyze the current situation within the organization; and that after being analyzed, served as support for the design of the communication management improvement plan in the projects of the company under study.


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Author Biographies

  • Lamberto Cazzadore García, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

    Telecommunications Engineer. Specialist in project managing, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

  • Gloria Aponte Figueroa, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

    Phd. in R&D Management, Chemical Engineer. Professor and researcher, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Ingeniería, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.







How to Cite

Design of an improvement plan on the forced digitalization of project communications at a telecommunications operator in Venezuela. (2021). People and Technology Management Journal, 14(41), 25.