Exploratory testing of a local water sustainability governance model
Gobernanza, sustentabilidad, recursos hídricos, servicios públicos, bienes comunesAbstract
The article proposed to contrast the governance model for local water sustainability of Carreón (2016) in order to contribute empirically to the establishment of the reliability and validity of the instrument. A non-experimental study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 322 students from a public university in central Mexico considering their participation in the institutional proposals to the local authorities. The internal consistency of the instrument and the validity of the construct were corroborated. A structural model was contrasted in which the adjustment and residual parameters suggested the non-rejection of the null hypothesis referring to the relationships between the variables although only cognitive variables were observed that when interacting with other socioeconomic, sociodemographic or sociopolitical variables, could diminish their explanatory power since the not experimental type of study, non-probabilistic sampling and exploratory factor analysis limit the results of the study. A confirmatory factor analysis is recommended in scenarios of high and low civil participation before rigid and flexible institutions to demonstrate the scope of the model.