Effective leadership in management of electric service organizations


  • Zoraima Donawa Torres Instituto Universitario de Tecnología de Cabimas


Liderazgo eficaz, comunicación, confianza, delegación


Companies, within their structure, contemplate different departments in which they organize, plan, direct and control, functions, activities and tasks, to achieve the goals that contribute to the objectives of the organization. The managers of these departments exercise leadership, and must have the ability to achieve the effect of the desired goals for the achievement of the expected objectives. It is inferred then, the importance for a company to have an effective leadership. The effectiveness of leadership in organizations is based on the ability of managers on the management of strategies based on communication, trust and delegation as tools, qualified by Gómez (2006) as the three requirements for effective leadership.

These requirements are reflected in the attitudinal behavior of managers who, in the exercise of their duties, establish interpersonal relationships with employees using communication to influence the behavior of employees, offering and obtaining their trust, delegating power, authority and responsibility, to generate motivation and job satisfaction in the performance of the functions within the organization.


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Author Biography

  • Zoraima Donawa Torres, Instituto Universitario de Tecnología de Cabimas

    Docente e Investigadora Asociada. Tiempo Convencional, Instituto Universitario de Tecnología de Cabimas




People Management

How to Cite

Effective leadership in management of electric service organizations. (2018). People and Technology Management Journal, 11(31), 16. https://revistas.usach.cl/ojs/index.php/revistagpt/article/view/3228