Inclusion, Quality and Equity in Education: between the minimum and the basics in the advanced level of teacher training
nivel avanzado, formación de maestros, lo mínimo, lo básicoAbstract
The postgraduate training of teachers in contexts different from the usual ones (read capitals) is established as one of the main challenges and interdisciplinary actions developed by the School of Education and Pedagogy of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. The joint work with the Ministry of National Education of Colombia allows such training in remote geographical areas, in which few universities venture. This experience, in addition to signifying recognition of the teacher training proposal built by the Faculty of Education, has represented challenges and learning that resignify the curricular, methodological and didactic orders, while the conditions of the teachers in areas such as Vaupes, Putumayo, Amazonas, Guainía and Vichada deserve it. In such contexts it is difficult to count on the basics referring to the necessary bases of training. In these contexts we find ourselves with the minimum instead of the basics to advance in the formation. This paper proposes to show two perspectives: the comparison between the minimum and the basic and secondly, in terms of questioning, reference another comparison that refines and consolidates the results of the previous one: on the one hand, teacher educators in a higher level who form in conditions of optimal cultural capital and on the other hand, conditions of minimal cultural capital.