The force of the links and the controversies in the networks of the enterprise culture santafesina and the political power


  • Olga Morano Universidad Nacional del Litoral
  • Silvia Morales Carrizo Universidad Nacional del Litoral


redes, dirigencia empresarial, cultura económica, poder político, Estado


The province of Santa Fe has been one of the most important provinces of our country due to its political history and its economic and social development. In this context the managerial leadership santafesina with its activity and strategies of management has been part of this development and where it is crucial the development of networks that strengthen the synergy between the state, firms and society. In this paper we focus our work on how the networks between the economic managerial culture santafesina and the political power are developed. This research was carried out through in depth interviews conducted with key managerial leaders of the city and the province of Santa Fe between 2015 and 2016. The paper presents the principal findings on the development of networks between the managerial santafesino world and the politics posing a final question that serves as the basis for future research concerning the topic of the role of the state in this context of networks.


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Author Biographies

  • Olga Morano, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
    Contadora Pública y Licenciada en Sociología. UNL-FCE-FHUC. Miembro investigadora del CAI+D “Representaciones colectivas y poder social: sociabilidades patronales y cultura económica”. Departamento de Sociología, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
  • Silvia Morales Carrizo, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
    Licenciada en Sociología. UNL-FHUC. Profesora Titular  asignaturas Sociología y Metodología de la Investigación, carreras Lic. en Recursos Humanos y Lic. en Relaciones Públicas, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales-Sede Santa Fe. Miembro investigadora del CAI+D “Representaciones colectivas y poder social: sociabilidades patronales y cultura económica”, Departamento de Sociología, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Miembro del Directorio de la Unidad de Vinculación Tecnológica de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional- Facultad Regional Santa Fe.




People Management

How to Cite

The force of the links and the controversies in the networks of the enterprise culture santafesina and the political power. (2017). People and Technology Management Journal, 10(28), 13.