ICT for development of Job Skills


  • Sugey Issa Fontalvo Centro de Logística y Promoción Ecoturística del Magdalena


revista gpt, usach, logt, adin, rr.hh.


Business management is adjusted to the constant changes generated by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in organizations, which comes as a prevailing condition in the cognitive development of workers. These changes have resulted in renovations in staff skills that companies require to perform their job titles, because the use of ICT-based tools allow the efficient handling of the capture, processing, storage, dissemination and transfer of information. According to Martinez (2009), he argues that “the unrelenting pace of technological advances in new forms of communication and information represents a constant and provocative impulse before which inevitably succumb”. That is why, so there is a need to acquire new knowledge and skills required to respond to the intense economic and social changes that produce new technological tools and complex globalization in economic and cultural context. With regard to the above, this reflection is presented as a fulcrum to recognize that the use and appropriation of ICTs allow managers and employees to efficiently manage the information, since it is considered as the greatest resource available to any organization.


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Author Biography

  • Sugey Issa Fontalvo, Centro de Logística y Promoción Ecoturística del Magdalena

    Ingeniera de Sistemas, especialista en Docencia Universitaria, Magíster en Telemática. Doctorando en Ciencias mención Gerencia

    Líder SENNOVA – Centro de Logística y Promoción Ecoturística del Magdalena - SENA Regional Magdalena.

    Santa Marta, Colombia.




People Management

How to Cite

ICT for development of Job Skills. (2016). People and Technology Management Journal, 9(25), 13. https://revistas.usach.cl/ojs/index.php/revistagpt/article/view/2452