Feminist politics: the cintureo at the problem- shirt


  • Cecilia Rugna


movimiento feminista, doble militancia


This article from a research master's thesis entitled "THE BOARD COMPOSITION presented. The feminist movement and participation on the agenda of gender equality in the City of Santa Fe (2007-2013)". One aim of the meeting was to analyze the positions and power relations of the feminist movement against gender equality agenda of the Civic and Social Progressive Front influences how the double militancy (feminist and party). The case study method was relevant to relieve local features, the naturalist analysis was key to account for the density and intensity of feminist military in a specific and limited context of a city (and province) governed by the Progressive Front Civic and Social (which the Socialist Party has its referent, party tradition whose claim was linked to the demands of feminists and sexual diversity) and in a national policy framework and socially very polarized (in positions kirchnerismo/antikirchnerismo). While activists recognize the high incidence of "problem-Shirt" within the feminist movement, that is, the presence of party life in feminist struggles, a complex plot that goes from the recognition of the patriarchal character is also looms party politics to the deployment of a number of feminist politics made within the same (cintureo).


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Author Biography

  • Cecilia Rugna

    Licenciada y  Profesora  en Historia (UNL, Santa Fe, Argentina). Magíster en Ciencias Sociales (Santa Fe, Argentina UNL). Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales (UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina).

    Docente en Institutos Terciarios de la Provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina). Coordinadora del Área de investigación y formación del Programa contra la violencia de género de la Universidad de San Martín, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (2015).




People Management

How to Cite

Feminist politics: the cintureo at the problem- shirt. (2015). People and Technology Management Journal, 8(23), 11. https://revistas.usach.cl/ojs/index.php/revistagpt/article/view/2225