We inform you that editions No. 11 to No. 1 are not available in this repository. Please check the link in each edition to access the file on the GPT Journal website en https://www.revistagpt.usach.cl/
Author Guidelines
- The topic of the article must correspond to one or several areas of interest of the journal:
- The title should be written in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
- Articles written in English will be exceptionally accepted for publication, up to one article in each issue.
- The length of the article (essay or research paper) should be 20 to 25 pages, letter size (including graphs, tables and references).
- Each page should have a margin of 5 centimeters on all sides (left, right, top and bottom). Font: Arial, size: 12 points, 1.5 line spacing.
- The article can contain colored supporting elements as graphs, tables, charts or diagrams.
- The manuscript should be electronically uploaded with no information about the author(s). Information about authors must be written in a separate page, including first name and last name, academic degrees, research experience in the field of study concerned, affiliation or place of work (name of the institution and/or company), e-mail address, city and country.
- Manuscripts written by up to four authors will be accepted.
- Manuscripts should be original works not previously published or being simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere, although the research may have been previously presented at a conference, seminar or symposium.
- Authors should also submit an originality letter in order to certify that it is an original manuscript and that it has not been previously published or considered for publication in a similar journalin the field of study. Format requirements will be provided via email upon reception of the manuscript (Letter template).
“Research Paper” Outline
The research paper should be preceded by an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese of half a page in length (using margins, font, size and line spacing required above).
- The abstract must be followed by 3 to 4 keywords in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
- The research paper should contain an introduction, the main body (divided in the following sections: 1. Theoretical framework or empirical data supporting the discussion, 2. Research Methodology and 3. Results and Discussion), conclusions and references (see below).
“Essay” Outline:
The essay should be preceded by an abstract in Spanish and English of half a page in length (using margins, font, size and line spacing required above).
- The abstract must be followed by 3 to 4 keywords in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
- The essay should contain an introduction, the main body supporting the argument, conclusions and references (see below).
Both text types can optionally include supporting elements such as tables, charts and graphs and clarifying notes.
References and notes should be written at the end of the manuscript sequentially numbered by appearance in the text, according to the rules of the "APA" system, 7th edition (Available at: https://apastyle.apa.org/ or https://normas-apa.org/).
Examples for creating a Reference List
Printed references
Hernández, R. y Mendoza, C. (2018). Metodología de la investigación. Las rutas cuantitativa, cualitativa y mixta (1st ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Articles in Journals and/or Periodical Publications
Rojas, H., & Roa, V. (2018). Productividad laboral de las MIPYMES chilenas en la economía del conocimiento, Revista Electrónica Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología, 11(32), 68-85. http://www.revistas.usach.cl/ojs/index.php/revistagpt
Scientific Conference Proceedings
Moreno, C. (1 -3 June 2018). Design as a motor of conditions and infrastructure for the sustainable development of the Small and Medium- Sized Businesses in Chile [Conference presentation]. II Transdisciplinary Conference Sustainable Development in Chile and Latin America, University of Notthingham, Notthingham, UK.
On-line Reference Sources or Webgraphy
Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (2018, April 7). Impacto en el saber y sentir docente. https://www.factec.usach.cl/
Sánchez, C. (2020, January 24). Referencias APA. Normas APA (7th ed.). https://normas-apa.org/referencias/
Articles with DOI
Gómez, C. y Fernández, S. (2019). La acción social empresarial como instrumento de Justicia Social: la empresa como garante de los Derechos Humanos. Revista Empresa y Humanismo, 22(1), 43-70. Doi: 10.15581/015.XXII.1.43-70
When writing a research paper or an essay, the APA referencing system, 7th. ed., (Available at: https://normas-apa.org/introduccion/) should be followed:
- Paraphrased references should include the author’s name and the year of publication. Example for one author (Freire, 2018), two authors (Godoy and Osorio, 2018) more than two authors (Godoy et al. 2018).
- Quoted references should be placed in inverted commas followed by the page number or numbers, Examples: (Astudillo, 2007, p. 10) or (Astudillo, 2017, pp. 12-20).
- In order to make a distinction among texts written by the same author and published in the same year, lower case letters should be used as following: (Pérez, 2018a) and (Pérez, 2018b).
The Editorial Committee may, at its own discretion, re-arrange contents so as to meet quality requirements of accepted manuscripts.
Copyright Notice
The journal People and Technology Management authorizes any partial or total reproduction of the articles as long as the Intellectual Property Law is observed and authors are properly credited. Article contents are sole responsibility of the authors. Rights are granted to the Department of Management Technologies, Technological Faculty, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Any partial or total reproduction of research papers, book reviews and other articles is authorized as long as the source is quoted.
The electronic journal People and Technology Management is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
For more information contact the following emails:
revistagpt@usach.cl o natalia.romero@usach.cl
Updated, February 17th 2022.