Landscape, Body and Time: The presence and the Disembodied Gaze in the Work of Agencia de Borde




landscape, body, time, presence, drones


This article proposes the analysis of the strategies with which the Chilean collective Agencia de Borde (AB) developed Una explosión sorda y grave, no muy lejos (2017)—installation belonging to the project Campos Minados—to problematize the landscape-technique-representation relationship. The work is based on the exploration of the minefields sown between the years 1973 and 1983 in the Atacama Desert. An untouchable territory, out of circulation, that in the face of its explosive evolution becomes ephemeral and imagined, in which a drone and its digital eye appear as the only possibility to visually access inadmissible places. Under these conditions, the annulment of the territory and its impossibility of inhabiting it, the text focuses on two aspects: on the one hand, on the problematization of the concepts of landscape, presence and listening. And on the other, to think about the disappearance of the body in the face of the measured experience of the registration of the machinic eye and digital drone. In this way, in the face of the savage effect that military ambitions have exerted on places, the analysis proposes to think about the tension present in the representation of territories through contemporary creative practices.


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How to Cite

Landscape, Body and Time: The presence and the Disembodied Gaze in the Work of Agencia de Borde (C. Ayala Valdes , Trans.). (2023). Estudios Avanzados, 37, 91-106.

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