Carving out the Basin on Paper: Spatial and Political Fragmentation in the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Strategic Infrastructure Projects




Infraestructure, Environmental Impact Studies, Impactable Territories, Mexico, Argentina


This article investigates the closure of the operations of the largest public surface collective transportation company in Chile, which occurred during the first years of the dictatorship. This process was promoted after the adoption of neoliberal economic policies by the regime, whose main objectives were the reduction of fiscal spending and the cessation of functions of various state departments, including the State Collective Transport Company (ETCE). In this framework, we observe the consequences of the abandonment by the State of a strategic activity for the operation of the city and the difficulties that this fact brought to the inhabitants of the areas where the company operated. This process was part of the economic, political and urban transformations registered by the transition from a developmental model to a neoliberal one. By reviewing official sources, the press and bibliography, we reconstructed the end of operations, the dismantling and the sale of assets of the ETCE, questioning the fate of a public company in an ideological context that favored the participation of the private sector in the area.


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Carving out the Basin on Paper: Spatial and Political Fragmentation in the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Strategic Infrastructure Projects (A. Richard & A. Spivak L’Hoste , Trans.). (2023). Estudios Avanzados, 38.

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