Types of Contributions

UT disseminates the following types of work:

Type of Contribution

Peer Review

Editorial Request

Scientific Articles

Review Articles



Peer-reviewed contributions require evaluation by experts in the article's developed area. These include:

Scientific Articles: original works presenting relevant results and data from completed or ongoing research in Public Engagement, university extension, and disciplines involved in their development.

Review Articles: systematization and synthesis of previously published products. These analyzes explore analytical positions, results and associations, standing out for their ability to raise new questions and perspectives for future research, both empirical and exploratory.

Essays: studies based on established or emerging interpretations of a research area. Scientific essays involve critical reflection, argumentative structure, and questioning of these structures to offer new interpretations and approaches.

Editorial Requests consist of knowledge deemed fundamental for discourses related to Public Engagement and University Outreach. Therefore, the journal seeks to facilitate mass access to this content, as it enriches the global discourse by synchronizing the knowledge available within the scientific community.

Interviews: structured dialogues between an academic expert and an interviewer, designed to explore and delve into key topics within the journal's fields.