Política de Género

UT obeys the Equality, Gender and Diversity Policies stipulated in the Institutional Policies of the University of Santiago de Chile. Therefore, the journal and its entire team are committed to promoting these policies for all those who have a functional link with the university.

 Gender-equal editorial policy

The journal commits to promoting linguistic inclusion through the following methods:

1. Use of Double Gender: 

Both genders are used for mixed or indeterminate groups. For example: "todos y todas" (everyone), "autores y autoras" (authors), "amigos y amigas" (friends).

2. Use of Collective or Neutral Nouns: 

Gender-neutral words are used. For example: "personas" instead of "hombres" or "mujeres"; "estudiantado" instead of "estudiantes".

3. Avoiding Gender Use: 

Phrases are rephrased to avoid using gendered terms. For example: "comunidad científica" instead of "científicos"; "la infancia" instead of "los niños".