Editorial policies and standards

All contributions must comply with the following submission requirements:

Title. The article will have a title at the beginning that represents the content of the article. The title may not exceed the maximum length of twelve words. It is presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Summary. Maximum length 200 words. The abstract should include objectives, hypotheses, materials and methods and main results. It is presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Key words. Each article should include between three and five keywords, representing the fundamental concepts of the work. The keywords have to be aligned with the UNESCO Thesaurus. They are presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Authorship. The author's name should be on the right side in capital letters. Below the author should be the name of the institution to which he/she is attached, city of residence and country, the email and his/her ORCID identification number (https://orcid.org /). The ORCID tab must contain the data requested by the platform. In case of more than one author, the first one will be the main author. Below, keeping the format are the secondary authors.

With a double asterisk at the end of the name of the main author (**), the source data of the work will be included, if it comes from a research project (title, registration, sponsoring agency, year); presentation, conference (places or instances of dictation) and if it is of personal or collective production.


Maximum extension of work. The maximum length is 7,000 words in total, with a maximum of 20 bibliographic references.

Format. Word File (.doc), Times New Roman typography body 12 for the text and body 10 for footnotes, single line spacing. Normal Word margins (top and bottom 2.5 cm; left and right 3.0 cm).

Structure. It must respond to the basic structure of a scientific article, respecting the IMRyD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion), together with the corresponding Bibliography.

Figures and tables. All images (photos, graphs, diagrams, organization charts) must be numbered successively under the denomination Figure (for example Figure 1, Figure 2). In case of tables, they should be referred to as Table (Table 1, Table 2). The tables must be submitted in Word format.

Each figure or table should appear after the paragraph where it is treated. Likewise, it should be indicated verbatim in prose ("see Figure 1”), in order to relate it without problems with the corresponding figure or table.

Each figure or table requires at the top a correlative enumeration and a title in Spanish and English. The source of the figure is detailed at the bottom, also in both languages. Example:

Figure 1. Heritage vineyard of the Itata Valley, Chile

Figure 1. Heritage Vineyard of the Itata Valley, Chile

Source: Photo by the author. Source: author's photograph.

It is important to secure the rights to publish the images. The authors could include photographs of their authorship, or include images of other authors but citing the source and adding the reference to Bibliography.

All figures must be attached in an independent file and in high quality at the time of submitting the article for evaluation on the OJS platform (.jpg.png). The charts must be attached in editable Excel format.

The application system only accepts articles that do not exceed 1 Mb in total.


RIVAR is governed under APA 7 regulations.

Quotes within the text. The works are cited with the author's surname, the year of publication - the page number. Example: (Rice, 2010: 33-34). Quotations less than 40 words in length are written in quotation marks. Quotations that exceed 40 words in length are written without quotation marks and indented separately.

The in-text citation for papers with three or more authors is now shortened from the author's first surname and then includes “et al.”.

Latin expressions such as op are not used. cit, idem or ibid.

Footnotes to the page. Use for clarifications that detail the content of the text. Also to detail documentary references, as the case may be, such as historical sources and archives, laws, official reports or others.

Bibliography. The bibliography must be submitted in APA 7 format. No text that has not been actually mentioned in the article should be included in the bibliography. Nor can works that are not later included in the bibliography be mentioned in the article.

The maximum length of the bibliography is 20 works. Excludes historical archives, laws, official reports or others. In such cases the sources should be detailed in footnotes.

The bibliography should be sorted by authors' last name, in increasing alphabetical order.

  • Books

Last name of author or author, initial of the first name. (year). Title of the book. Editorial.

or Example: Mellafe, R. (1994). The memory of colonial America. University.

* Book chapters

Last name of the author, initial of the name. (year). Title of the chapter. In Surname of the editor of the book, initial of the name (Ed., Coord., as appropriate), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Editorial.

or Example: Blanquez, J. (2009). Wine in Iberian funeral rituals. In Celestino Pérez, S. Arqueología del vino. The Origins of wine in the West (pp. 217-244). Autonomous University of Madrid.

  • Articles published in journals

Last name of the author, initial of the author's name. (year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume(issue), start page-end page. DOI.

or Example: Clemente Ricolfe, J.S. et al. (2020). Understanding wine consumers according to their motivations: the case of the millennial generation in Spain. RIVAR 7(21), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.35588/rivar.v7i21.4621

* Articles published in conference actsapplied by the author or author, initial of the name. (dates and year). Title of the presentation. In the Proceedings of the Name of the Congress (pp. xx Articles published in conference actsapplication of the author or author, initial of the name. (dates and year). Title of the presentation. In the Proceedings of the Name of the Congress (pp. xx-xx). Responsible entity, city, country.

or Example: Parras, M. (2007). The olive-growing economy in the period 1986-2005. In Proceedings of the I Congress of Olive Culture (pp. 341-363). Instituto de Estudios Giennenses, Jaén, Peru.

* Metadata: Contributions must be submitted through the OJS platform of the journal, completing all the information that is requested. The editorial team will not accept unfinished proposals.