Exports of Mexican Coffee to the United States and German Markets





commodity market, competitiveness, Arabica coffee


Among the agricultural export chains, the coffee chain represents one of the oldest in Mexico compared to those of berries, avocados, floriculture and horticulture. In recent decades, this chain has gone through a series of problems in different links, for example pests, climate changes or volatile prices. Competitiveness in foreign markets is key to guide the future production and commercialization of Mexican coffee, which is why it is necessary to know the target markets, their trends and the position that the product currently has compared to its competitors. Through the indicators of revealed comparative advantage and constant market participation, the hypothesis that Mexican coffee needs to change its market strategy, focus on quality and reorient itself towards new markets is tested. It is detected that the competitiveness in the main market, wich is the United States, is low, in addition the characteristics of consumption do not benefit Mexican coffee. In contrast, the German market represents a good opportunity, especially for quality coffees of Arabica species (Coffea arabica) such as: Typica, Bourbón, Garnica, Geisha and Caturra. In addition, these coffees are characterized by generating a greater economic benefit for the producers.


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2024-02-29 — Updated on 2024-07-17



