Metanol en el mezcal: ¿es posible aumentar los umbrales permitidos por la normativa mexicana?




mezcal, agave, standards on alcoholic beverages, methanol, toxicity


The allowed limits of methanol by Mexican norms for mezcal set the maximum at 300 mg/100 ml of alcohol 100%. The standard was established in 1986 taking wine as reference. The Norm NOM-142-SSA1-1995 maintains that value today, although in Europe, then and now, the limits for methanol in distilled fruit beverages are well above the content permitted by Mexican Standards. We review the toxicology of methanol and the process of making norms about the allowed contains in alcoholic beverages in Mexico and other countries, and concluded that is possible a revision of standards on methanol maintaining health requirements. The article proposes the revision of the current Norms for the agave distillates, taking mezcals as a case study. We remark that it represents an opportunity for certain traditional beverages (fermented and distilled) that exceed the present standard level.


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