Regional Foresight and the 2030 Agenda: A Virtuous Fusion to Build the Futures
rural planning, food production, social participation, participatory research, future societyAbstract
This work of reflection around the articulation of regional foresight studies and the 2030 Agenda, promoted by the United Nations Organization, through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It is based on a foresight experience developed in the Department of Guaymallén, Province of Mendoza, Argentina, proposed as a base study for the design of the municipal land use plan provided for in Law 8.051/2009. The article shows the general context for the design of planning instruments at the local level. Next, it presents the territorial dynamics considered most critical for the future to subsequently compare the desired scenario with the 17 SDGs. The research work included a bibliographic review of the main articulation proposals between regional foresight and the 2030 Agenda. Among the findings, the need to deepen the territorialization of the 2030 Agenda at the local government level stands out, and to anchor the planning processes for development, with a foresight vision of each SDG. Working on these concerns will allow the robustness of the foresight and its appropriation by the social actors of the territory.
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