History of Regional, Social and Political Relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey (1991-2020)
regional relations, independence, diplomacy, bilateral cooperation, diasporaAbstract
The purpose of this study is to research the processes in the Turkic-speaking republics of the Soviet Union after it splits in 1991, as well as to study the subsequent aspects of the development of Kazakh-Turkey relationships in the sphere of regional politics. Since the Republic of Kazakhstan’s independence, a specific sector of foreign policy has been committed to the development of comprehensive ties with industrialized nations, international politics, and socio-economic organizations. The quick creation of such ties has been the country’s primary foreign policy goal. Turkey appreciates Kazakhstan’s leadership position in Central Asia and considers Kazakhstan to be the most significant partner in regional relations. The methodology of this research is based on particular documents, archival data, research papers, and the origins and outcomes of such connections. This article analyses the concerns of regional socio-political collaboration between Kazakhstan and Turkey from 1991 until 2020, and its main goal is to provide a scholarly study and appraisal of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s regional socio-political relations in those years. In the conclusion, one can state, that the history of Turkish-Kazakh regional relations has developed in the direction of brotherhood and mutual understanding as the Turkic people of the two countries.
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