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Author Guidelines

Revista Iberoamericana de Viticultura, Agroindustria y Ruralidad (RIVAR) is an open publication, interested in publishing texts submitted to the peer review system. It has a quarterly frequency. It is published every year in the months of January, May and September. Contributors should adjust their materials to the following editorial standards:

Commitment to reciprocity. RIVAR does not charge any fees or charges for publishing articles. The works are evaluated by peers with a double-blind system. The task of evaluating is ad honorem and represents a solidarity contribution from the academic community. Also, RIVAR authors are requested to contribute to this process as an act of reciprocity with the journal. For this reason, the authors will submit, along with their articles, a specific letter (see format below).

Sections of the magazine. RIVAR publishes original research results (articles and reviews). The general articles follow the criteria of scientific journals. 

Maximum extension of work. The maximum length is 7,000 words in total, with a maximum of 20 bibliographic references for the articles and 40 bibliographic references for the reviews.

Title. The article will have a title at the beginning that represents the content of the article. The title may not exceed the maximum length of twelve words. The title is presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Summary. An abstract is included after the title, the maximum length of which may not exceed 200 words. The abstract should include objectives, hypotheses, materials and methods and main results. It is presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Key words. Each article should include between three and five keywords, representing the fundamental concepts of the work. The keywords have to be aligned with the UNESCO Thesaurus. They are presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Format of the content. The contents must comply with the APA 7ma regulations. editing. It must have a detailed and structured initial description, where the research carried out is explained with fidelity and precision. Clear and simple language and optimal wording should be used. The texts are sent in Word, Times New Roman letter body 12 for the text and body 10 for footnotes, single line spacing. The use of italics is reserved exclusively for words in a foreign language (mutatis mutandis), titles of books, names of newspapers (La Nación), names of magazines (Revista Iberoamericana), albums or movies. Textual quotations are “in quotation marks". If the quotation is more than three lines long, it is separated from the text by two blank lines. No bold or underlined words are used. Words are not written with all the letters capitalized. Capitals are only used in the initial letter, at the beginning of a sentence or of a proper name. For example: Germany, Juan.

Figures and tables. Any article that includes images (photos, graphics, diagrams, etc.) within the text, should be numbered successively under the denomination "Figure" (for example: Figure 1, Figure 2). In case of tables, they should be referred to as "Table" (Table 1, Table 2). The tables must be submitted in Word format.

Each figure or table should appear after the paragraph where they are treated. Also, you must indicate in prose its denomination next to which number it corresponds, in order to relate it without problems with the corresponding figure or table.

Each figure or table requires a title in Spanish and English. At the top and the font at the bottom. For example:

Figure 1. Heritage vineyard of the Itata Valley, Chile

Figure 1. Heritage Vineyard of the Itata Valley, Chile

Source: Photo by the author.

It is important to secure the rights to publish the images. The authors could include photographs of their authorship, or include images of other authors but citing the source and adding the reference to Bibliography. For the evaluation process, the images and graphics must be sent inserted in the text, with low resolution formats to facilitate the process. 

The application system only accepts articles that do not exceed 1 Mb in total.

Once the article has been accepted for publication, and the final version has been prepared, the high-resolution images must be sent by e-mail.

Formats: jpg, png
Size: 1792 x 828 px (maximum)
Resolution: 300 dpi
Ways of quoting. Revista RIVAR is governed under APA 7 regulations. 

Within the text, the works are cited with the author's surname, the year of publication - the page number. Example: (Rice, 2010: 33-34). Quotations less than 40 words in length are written in quotation marks. Quotations that exceed 40 words in length are written without quotation marks and indented.

The in-text citation for papers with three or more authors is now shortened from the first citation. It only includes the name of the first author and "et al.”.

Footnotes should be as few as possible and only to provide documentary references or clarifications (bibliographic references are preferably within the text, as noted above). Latin expressions such as op are not used. cit, idem or ibid.

Bibliography. The bibliography should include the updated list of texts on the topic addressed. Naturally, the article dialogues with these authors throughout its development.

No text that has not been actually mentioned in the article should be included in the bibliography. Nor can works that are later not included in the bibliography be mentioned in the article.

For articles the maximum length of the bibliography is 20 works, for reviews the maximum length of the bibliography is 40 works.

The bibliography should be sorted by authors' last name, in increasing alphabetical order.

Books. Last name of author or author, initial of the first name. (year). Title of the book. Name of publisher.
Example: Mellafe, R. (1994). The memory of colonial America. University.
Chapters of books. Last name of the author, initial of the name. (year). Title of the chapter. In Surname of the editor of the book, initial of the name. The title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Name of publisher.
Example: Blanquez, J. (2009). Wine in Iberian funeral rituals. In Celestino Pérez, S. Arqueología del vino. The Origins of wine in the West (217-244). Autonomous University of Madrid.
Articles published in journals: Surname of the author, initial of the author's name. (year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (number of the journal): beginning page numbers-end number of the article.
Example: Duhart, F. (2010). A popular alcoholic sociability on the threshold of the XXI century: drinking at Bayonne parties (France, 1990-2005). Advanced Studies 14(2), 207-234.
Book chapters: Last name of the author, initial of the author's name. (year). Title of the chapter. In Surname of the book publisher, initial of the name of the book publisher. Title of the book in Italics. Publisher name, number of initial and final pages of the chapter.
Example: Blanquez, J. (2009) ”Wine in Iberian funeral rituals". In: Celestino Pérez, S. Arqueología del vino. The origins of wine in the West. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 217-244.
Articles published in online journals: Surname of the author, initial of the author's name. (year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (number), pages (from-to). DOI.
Example: Clemente Ricolfe, J.S., Esteve Menada, C. and Pozo Rubio, S. (2020). Understanding wine consumers according to their motivations: the case of the millennial generation in Spain. RIVAR 7(21), 1-12.
Articles published in conference proceedings: Surname of the author or author, initial of the name. (year). Title of the presentation. In Minutes of the Name of the Congress. City, date of the congress, number of initial and final pages of the paper.
Example: Parras Rosa, M. (2007). The olive-growing economy in the period 1986-2005. In Proceedings of the I Congress of Olive Culture. Jaén, October 2005. Jaén, Instituto de Estudios Giennenses, 341-363.
Submission of manuscripts. Texts must be sent by two means:

Anonymity for evaluation. When sending the article to RIVAR, two versions must be sent: one complete, with data of authors and research projects, and the other blind, without that information. The name of both files will be partially the same, but with differences. In both cases, a conceptually representative word will be used (for example: "Artificial Intelligence" or "Heritage Vineyards". Then the differential word will be added: “blind” or "author". The first file will have the name "Artificial Intelligence-blind". And the second one will be called "Artificial Intelligence-author".

 The blind version must avoid any reference that allows to know the identity of the authors, such as expressions that refer to other works by the same author, etc.



Evaluation form



Qualify Yes/No




Does it represent the content of the article?



Does it respect maximum length of 12 words?





Does it clearly indicate objectives, materials and methods, and main results?



Does it respect maximum 200-word lenght?





Do they represent fundamental concepts of the article?



Do they correspond to the UNESCO Thesaurus?






Do they represent the content of the work?



Do they contribute to the understanding of the research?



Do they have apropriate and representative titles?



Are the sources clearly identified?



Are they numbered in correlative order?





Is it written in a clear and frank manner? Does the writer use simple and appropriate language to convey the results and contributions?





Does it include relevant and updated works on the subject matter?



Does it contain a list of a maximum of 20 references, using APA 7?





1 a 7


Has a problem of interest and relevance to knowledge been identified?



Has the author set consistent and relevant goals?



Has the author achieved the proposed objectives?



Has the author formulated clear and consistent objectives?



Has the author checked the interpretation against the empirical referents?



Does the author establish a relevant and up-to-date theoretical debate?



Does the author clearly state the materials and methods used?



Does it clearly indicate the results of the research?



Are the results achieved relevant?




Mark with x





Accepted with minor changes



Accepted with major changes – It requires a new evaluation






4-COMMENTS for the authors


Reciprocity commitment letter template

In ______________________, on month day, 2023

To the Editorial Board of RIVAR

Hereby, the undersigned, authors of the manuscript "________________________________" sent to RIVAR for possible publishing, commit to review up to three articles assigned to them in the next three years, trying to deliver the evaluations within a month. They assume this task as a form of professional reciprocity essential for the normal functioning of RIVAR.


Author’s name 1:                            Author’s name 2:                            Author’s name ...

Signature:                                         Signature:                                         Signature:

Right transfer letter template

In______________________, on month day, 2023

To the Editorial Board of RIVAR

The one/Those who subscribe(s), €€ as exclusive authors of the text€ ..€ ..€ .. declare(s) that they submit to the RIVAR journal, edited by the University of Santiago of Chile, the work, subject of this letter, for its evaluation and possible publication. They declare the work is original and has not been partially or totally published or submitted for consideration to other printed or electronic media. The author, whose signature is at the end of this letter, authorizes the RIVAR journal to carry out the first publication of the work. Likewise, the authors grant their authorization for an indefinite period, for its reproduction, translation and public distribution in any form, medium, device or any other technology. The work may be included in national and international collections, compilations, databases, and indexes, exclusively for scientific and distribution purposes. All above mentioned must be non-commercial. The authors declare that have read and understood the terms of the proposed policy for open access journals and the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC) attribution license used by RIVAR. The authors assume that maintain the right to make other non-exclusive agreements without commercial purposes, clearly indicating that the document was published for the first time in the RIVAR journal by including the volume, number, year, and pages that comprise the work in the journal, as well as the current URL of the file. The authors know that RIVAR is an open access journal, with exclusively scientific purposes on the topics of contemporary food and regional development, for which they accept that the publication of their work and the use that will be given to it does not entail any profit-making purpose and, therefore, no remuneration or royalty payment is generated.

The authors approve the content of this letter and their order of appearance.

Full name:


Place of birth:

Current nationality:

Passport or RFC:


Office telephone number:

Personal telephone number:

Cell phone number:

E-mail address:


Exclusivity letter template

In ______________________, Month day, 2023

To the Editorial Board of RIVAR

By this means, the undersigned, corresponding author, with the other authors consent, declares the following:

  1. I declare the article, essay titled: €€€ submitted to RIVAR journal for internal evaluation and, where appropriate, external evaluation, is original and unpublished.
  2. I declare the article has not been published in printed or electronic media, or distributed by any other media, neither totally nor partially.
  3. I declare the article is not being simultaneously submitted to other journals or editorial bodies for possible publication.

Corresponding author

Full name:


Faculty, school:

Postal address:


E-mail address:



Submission Preparation Checklist

Evaluation form








Does it represent the content of the article?



Does it respect the maximum lenght of 12 words?

Is it included in Spanish, English and Portuguese?





Does it clearly indicate objectives, materials and methods, and main results?



Does it respect a maximum lenght of 200 words?

Is it included in Spanish, English and Portuguese?







Do they represent fundamental concepts of the article?



Do they correspond to the UNESCO Thesaurus?

Are the included in Spanish, English and Portuguese?






Do they represent the content of the article?



Do they contribute to the unterstanding of the research?



Do they have appropiate and representative titles?



Are the sources clearly indicated?

Is the information and source of each figure or table presented in English and Spanish?



Are the figures and/or grpahs numbered in correlative order?

Is each figure and/or table referenced in the text, in order to relate its content to the ideas of the article?

Is each figure attached in high resolution in .jpg format?





Is it written clearly and frankly? Does it use simple and appropiate language to convey its results and contributions?

Does the structure of the article resptect the IMRaD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discusion), and Conclusion?

Does it respect maximum extension?

Does the body of the text respect font size, line spacing and margins?

Does the text comply with APA 7 regulations for bibliographic citation?






Does it include relevant and updated works?



Does it contain a list of up 20 works arranged alphabetically, respecting APA 7 regulations?


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.