The Persistence of Qawmi Suri: Historical Overview of a Transnational Arab Party




SSNP, Syrian nationalism, Arab diasporas, Syria, Lebanon


The Qawmi Suri (or Syrian Social Nationalist Party) was founded in 1932 by the Lebanese Anton Saade, with the idea of unifying the region that he defined as «Natural Syria». The Qawmi was one of the first ideological parties in the region, and from Lebanon extended its influence to Syria and the Levantine diaspora. It played an important role in the articulation of the diaspora in South America, with the creation of local branches; in Lebanon, by participating in insurrections, civil wars, and resistance to the Israeli occupation; and in Syria, where it went from being an opposition to the Baath Party to becoming a major ally of Bashar al-Assad in his fight against the Islamist insurgency. This article offers a historical overview of this transnational Arab party, through literature and the press review, as well as interviews with party militants, in order to reconstruct its evolution up to the present, while also highlighting its importance within the Syrian-Lebanese communities in Latin America, in an exercise linking Arab and Diaspora studies.


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How to Cite

The Persistence of Qawmi Suri: Historical Overview of a Transnational Arab Party (R. Vélez Castro , Trans.). (2023). Estudios Avanzados, 39, 105-126.