Editorial Policy and Peer Review Process

Submissions to Revista EstuDAv should be prepared according to the following guidelines:

Format and font

Letter size format

2.5 cm margins on all sides

Single spacing without any indentation

Times New Roman 12 font for the body of the text

Times New Roman 10 font for footnotes.

Title and subtitles

Main title centered, in bold, and in Times New Roman 16 font. It is recommended that the main title does not exceed sixteen words. Leave one blank line after the title.

Level 1 subtitles, left-aligned, unnumbered, in bold, in Times New Roman 12 font. Leave one blank line before and after each level 1 subtitle.

Level 2 subtitles, left-aligned, unnumbered, in italics, in Times New Roman 10 font. Leave one blank line before and after each level 2 subtitle.

Bold and italics. Avoid the use of bold and italics in the body of the text. Italics should be reserved for highlighting phrases in languages other than the one used in the contribution.

Citations. Regarding citations and other paratextual entries, APA 7 guidelines should be followed.

Abstract and keywords. All articles, critical essays, and interviews must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words, as well as four to five keywords. Both the abstract and keywords must be provided in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English (abstract and keywords). The abstract and keywords should be presented on the initial page of the submission, at the beginning of the manuscript.


  • Short citations (less than forty words): in quotation marks, followed by parentheses indicating the author's surname, year of publication, and page number. "Quoted text" (Surname, year: page).
  • Long citation (over forty words, equivalent to more than four lines of Word): quoted text without quotation marks, with indentation and size 10 font; at the end, the author's surname, year of publication, and page number are detailed in parentheses.
  • In the case of paraphrasing, the surname and year can be referenced the same as in the quoted text (Surname, year) or mentioned directly in prose.
  • If a citation exceeds three authors, only the first surname is listed followed by et al.
  • Every reference must be included in the bibliography; additionally, only material directly quoted or paraphrased should be included in the bibliography.


In APA 7 format, the bibliography must include all cited, paraphrased, or mentioned references in prose. Material that is not cited or mentioned in the text should not be included. The bibliography, presented at the end of the article, is organized alphabetically by authors' surnames.