Ethical principles
EstuDAv ensures that editors, reviewers, and authors rigorously follow international ethical standards during the review and publication process. We declare that our procedures adhere to the recommendations published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Manuscripts received by EstuDAv will undergo a plagiarism check (using the Turnitin platform), double-blind peer review, verification of falsification of data used (obtained data, tables, graphs, images), and respect for and guarantee of confidentiality to individuals involved in the research. Manuscripts that demonstrate improper use of animals, including humans, in research will be rejected.
Every manuscript submitted to EstuDAv must meet the following requirements:
CONSENT: All authors give their consent for the submission and publication of the article under evaluation.
CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS: All authors significantly contributed to the manuscript, with no omission of any author. The order of authors is based on their participation in the study, from greatest to least collaboration.
ORIGINALITY OF WORK: The submitted work is original, has not been previously published, and has not been simultaneously submitted for evaluation to another journal. It does not include original material copied from other authors without their consent. If the article contains material from other publications, the corresponding consent for reproduction must be provided.
CITATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: All information included in the manuscript from previous studies has been cited and referenced correctly according to the Author Guidelines of Revista EstuDAv. SUGGESTED REVIEWERS: The professionals suggested to review the manuscript should have no professional, academic, or personal relationship with the authors. ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF PUBLICATION: Authors must have read the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and declare compliance with these principles. Any work that does not adhere to these recommendations and is found to engage in misconduct will be either eliminated or retracted, depending on the state of the manuscript when ethical issues are detected.
1. Mandatory institutional authorization: Approval from the sponsoring institution's Ethics Committee is required for articles falling under either of the following categories: (a) Research involving humans or (b) Research using human biological material or data susceptible to identification.
2. Informed consent: In research involving humans (including experiments and interviews), authors must have signed informed consent from interviewees and participants (patients) of the study. If requested by the editor or a reviewer, the author must provide it.
3. Incentives for study participation: Researchers should make efforts to avoid offering excessive or inappropriate incentives to individuals involved in their research. However, economic incentives may be provided to participants for time spent, depending on the circumstances.
4. Deception in research: Researchers must avoid all forms of deceptive techniques or information aimed at deliberately misleading participants.
5. Research closure: Once the study is completed, the researcher must provide the participant with the results and conclusions, taking necessary measures to prevent misunderstandings.
6. Ethical principles:
a) Culture and heritage: Researchers must always show maximum respect for objects of cultural significance and those that are part of a country's heritage. If a country prohibits the publication of images of such objects, this rule must be strictly followed by researchers. Therefore, manuscripts approved for publication in EstuDAv should not include images of objects that have cultural significance or are part of a country's heritage.
b) Animal research: Experiments with animals are conducted primarily in three fields: education, industry, and research. Animal research must consider respect for the 4R principles (Replacement: seeking alternative methods to involve animals; Reduction: trying to reduce the number of animals used; Refinement: establishing means to seek the overall welfare of animals; and Recycling: using experimental animals more than once for various purposes).
7. Reporting research results: Researchers are prohibited from inventing data or altering figures under any circumstances. Such behavior is considered a serious professional misconduct and goes against all intellectual and academic ethics. Moreover, publishing a report based on manipulated data constitutes a blatant act of falsifying a public document. If errors are discovered, they must be publicly corrected.
8. Research integrity: Within the ethical guidelines of EstuDAv, the following criteria are established:
a) Misconduct: Actions or omissions related to devising, organizing, conducting, evaluating, or soliciting research projects that deliberately or negligently distort research results, provide misleading information about personal contributions, or violate other professional standards of researchers constitute misconduct. If misconduct is suspected, an investigation will be conducted
b) Reporting irregularities: All members of the editorial board of EstuDAv may receive reports of irregularities in research observed and reported by identified individuals or anonymously. When accompanied by the respective evidence, such reports will prompt an investigation
c) Proper use of images: Articles are recommended to present results through an optimal combination of text, tables, images, and graphs to facilitate information comprehension. However, inappropriate manipulation of images is not acceptable as it leads to ambiguous interpretations. EstuDAv does not accept fabrication, falsification, or manipulation of images;
d) Plagiarism: Plagiarism is contrary to professional ethics and is not accepted in the scientific community. EstuDAv utilizes the Turnitin platform, provided by the University of Santiago de Chile, to check for potential plagiarism. Authors submitting plagiarized texts to EstuDAv will be severely reprimanded. Plagiarism is not limited to complete copying of an article but may also occur through clumsy or careless handling of information. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the final editing of the article, considering the citation guidelines requested by Revista EstuDAv, available in the "Author Guidelines".
e) Data redundancy: Researchers should not publish previously published data as original. Additionally, authors cannot submit a manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously. If the Editorial Board of EstuDAv detects such a situation, the manuscript will be retracted. Translations of already published manuscripts should not be presented as original articles. If the article is of high interest, it can be published as a translation, with the proper clarification