Unequal Assignment of Women to the Cabinet in Chile, 1990-2020





cabinet, gender gap, parity, public policy


One of the political spaces with consistently low representation of women worldwide is the cabinet. Because ministerial assignments positions are highly esteemed, visible, and prestigious it is especially important to achieve descriptive representation there. In response to this, the present article proposes a study of both assignments of women to ministerial positions in Chile from 1990 to 2020, and the trends these assignments indicate in terms of the perceived gender and prestige of the ministries. The study reveals that even when there has been an increase in the number of women in the cabinet, the ministries to which women have been assigned replicate gender roles, thus failing to translate into improvements in women’s access to power. In addition, these advances have not been sustained over time due to the lack of structural changes, allowing these to be transitory improvements, dependent on presidential will. Finally, the data found suggest that the assignment of women to the cabinet could still be perceived as a political necessity and not as a commitment to gender equity.


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How to Cite

Unequal Assignment of Women to the Cabinet in Chile, 1990-2020 (M. Sepúlveda & A. Zuleta , Trans.). (2022). Estudios Avanzados, 36. https://doi.org/10.35588/estudav.v0i36.5635

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