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Author Guidelines



Estudios Avanzados is a biannual journal edited by the Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (june-december), Universidad de Santiago de Chile, dedicated to humanities and social sciences. The journal publishes original research about the Americas and the world in the form of articles. Special sections include notes, lectures, and reviews of recently published books and theses.



The journal publishes three kind of collaborations: articles, notes and reviews. In the article section we expect texts up to 8.000 words, which develop an hypothesis or an original proposal of research, and which are part of research projects. In the notes section, we expect conferences, discourses or research notes up to 4.000 words, whose interest come from its singular originality. In the reviews section we expect text up to 1.500 words, which comment books and postgraduate theses.



Title and Author Information

 Article submissions must include a title, abstract, and keywords in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The title is followed by the name(s) of the author(s), and an abstract of up to 200 words. Three to five key words should be listed in decreasing order of importance.

The title and subtitles for sections of the article should be written in capital/lower case, capitalizing proper nouns. Do not use boldface, underlining, or italics. The title should end with a footnote providing information about the research project that was the source of the data presented: name of the project, grant or project number (if any), institution(s) supporting it, and the beginning and ending years.

1. All contributions must be accompanied by the following information about the author: nationality, highest academic degree and main institutional affiliation. In the event that there is more than one author, the data must be specified for each one, respecting the order that goes from the main author to the secondary ones (see point 2). It is of the utmost importance not to confuse the author figure with those of possible collaborators or assistants (see Ethics and good practices on the home page). Important: the main author(s) (co-authors) may not exceed three people, and except in expressly justified cases, the collaborators should not be more than two. Each participant must indicate his or her email address and ORCID record.

2. In cases of more than one author (or participation of a collaborator), their annotation on page 1 (one) of the text will be vertical, marginalized to the right. Its top-to-bottom ordering should always consider the main author first. Regarding this name and other participants, whose names, as has just been said, will be placed downwards (vertically), it is the business of those present to indicate the priority, sequence or location, a relationship that may be made explicit in the footers to which we refer. in point 3.

3. These background information (1+2) must be indicated in the automatic footer on page 1 (one) of the work, at the end of each name of the author(s) (co-authors) using an asterisk in the supra index, example:* Add the asterisks necessary according to the number of authors and/or collaborators, example: more than one author **, ***. Do not use any kind of numbers or other signs for this task.


Academic articles may not exceed 9.000 words; review articles 7.000 words respectively, including references, tables, and illustration captions. Reviews  may be up to 1.500 words. Book reviews should include the name and institutional affiliation of the reviewer and the bibliographical data of the book being reviewed: author, title, place of publication, publisher, year, total number of pages, and ISBN.

The preferred language of publication is Spanish. In exceptional cases, articles may be published in Portuguese, English or French.

Submissions should be prepared in Word, using Times font size 12, and 10 for footnotes. Footnotes are used for longer commentaries or explanations. Don't use expressions such as o. cit., idem or ibid. Do not use boldface or underlining or words with only capital letters.

For citation, Revista Estudios Avanzados uses APA 7 (American Psycological Association), which can be revised at

If there are charts, graphics, figures or images, they should be included in the body of the text, in JPG format and a resolution equal or over 250 dpi.


Collaborations should be submitted to Estudios Avanzados e-mail:

Articles not adjusted to these instructions won't be accepted. The submission of an article to Estudios Avanzados implies that that the work is not submitted to any other journal, nor has it already been published.

 Review and Decision

Article submissions undergo double-blind review by two specialists from outside the Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Submissions may be accepted without changes, with minor revisions, or rejected. In case of conflict, there would be a third external specialist to resolve the acceptance or rejection. Review should not take more than 90 days. The editorial team will communicate the decision to the author within 100 days of receiving the text. Articles not prepared according to these guidelines will not be considered for review.

Conflict of Interest

Upon submitting an article to Revista Estudios Avanzados, an author may identify any individual with whom he/she has conflicts of interest, so that this person will not be asked to be an evaluator. The journal editors promise to respect the confidentiality of this information. Only objections to individuals, not to institutions or research units, will be considered.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todos los envíos deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos.

  • Este envío cumple con los requisitos descritos en las Directrices para autores/as.
  • Este envío no ha sido publicado previamente, ni se ha presentado ante otra revista para su consideración.
  • Todas las referencias han sido verificadas para ver si son precisas y completas.
  • Todas las tablas y figuras han sido numeradas y etiquetadas.
  • Se ha obtenido permiso para publicar todas las imágenes, conjuntos de datos y cualquier otro material proporcionado con este envío.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.