Call for papers


Culturas Científicas (e-ISSN: 0719-9856) is a journal published semi-annually, dependent on the Philosophy Department of the University of Santiago de Chile and has a permanently open call for papers. The papers submitted must be unpublished, not be in evaluation phase in any other journal and will be reviewed using the double-blind procedure (see Editorial Policy). 

We invite authors interested in sociological, philosophical, political, epistemological, historical, logical, economic, legal, didactic, anthropological and ethical aspects of technosciences to present their contributions, assuming that these are adapted to our Aims & Scope and that they respect our Author Guidelines.

The editorial decision may take up to five months once the receipt of the contribution has been acknowledged. Taking this into consideration, the Editorial Committee recommends that authors meet the following deadlines*, depending on the volume or number to which they wish to apply:

- Volume 4, N ° 1 (Jul. 2022): until may 28, 2023. [Already extended]

- Volume 4, N ° 2 (Dec. 2022): until october 25, 2023[Already extended]

* Suggested deadlines. Read more on 'Estimated time for publication'.