Editorial Policies

Double-blind evaluation policy

Every article submitted for consideration will go through a prior review made by the editing team that will verify that it is compatible with our Focus and Scope and that it meets the minimum formalities set forth in our Author Guidelines. Editors may request formal corrections from authors before proceeding to the formal evaluation. They could also return the article to its author, after discussion with the Editorial Committee, for not being compatible with our Focus and Scope, for not following our Author Guidelines or for not respecting our Ethical Standards.

All articles submitted for consideration will be reviewed, following the double-blind procedure, by two specialists external to our Editorial Committee. The reviewing specialists will take into consideration that the contributions conform to the Focus and Scope of our journal. They will also attend to academic quality criteria such as, but not exclusively: the originality and/or relevance of the article to the field of study, the quality of both the research proposal and the argumentation, and the quality of the sources. At least two favorable reports are needed to proceed to the publication phase and, faced with a controversy, the director of the journal could choose to call a third reviewer.

Subsequently, the Committee will make a final decision based on the reports of specialists. Such decision will fall into one of the following categories:

a) Accepted for publication.
b) Accepted with observations.
c) Currently not admissible. 
d) Rejected for publication.

In case (b), the proposals for correction will be sent to the authors and they will be given a period of up to 20 days to return the amended manuscript. Once returned, it will be subjected to a new evaluation in order to determine if these corrections were applied and if the article is in condition to be published. If the author does not meet the deadline or does not apply the corrections sufficiently, the publication or rejection of the article will be subject to the decision of the Editorial Committee.

Case (c) refers to articles whose value is recognized by the reviewers, but which were rejected due to the large number of corrections they need. In these cases, the reports of the reviewers will be sent to the authors and then their article will be returned, leaving them with total freedom of action. The journal will not follow up on the article or ask the authors for anything else. There is no guarantee that, once amended, the article will be accepted since it must go through the evaluation process again. In these cases, the only thing the reviewers are advocating is the untapped potential of the work.

Culturas Científicas reserves the right to reject manuscripts for not conforming to the Focus and Scope of the Journal, for not following the Author Guidelines, for violating our Ethical Standards, for the recommendation of the reviewing specialists or in other cases described in our Editorial Policies. Although there are no appeal instances for rejected articles, the authors may request the comments of their reviewers via email.

Estimated time for publication

The time it takes for the editorial decision to be made can take up to five months once receipt of the contribution has been acknowledged. We note that the deadlines suggested in our permanent Call of Papers and in the different Dossier’s call for papers consider the minimum processing time of each article before the publication of the next issue without contemplating setbacks. Accordingly, and to ensure your entry in the next issue, we suggest submitting contributions well in advance of the published deadline. We also remember that Culturas Científicas receives contributions at any time of the year.

Open access policy

Given that Culturas Científicas intends to be a space for discussion and open dialogue between specialists from various areas, so it maintains an open access policy. Accordingly, we declare that our journal does not charge its authors in any way, nor for processes related to the submission or publication of their articles.

All copyrights of published articles belong to their respective authors. Along with this, the articles published in Culturas Científicas are under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which the authors accept at the time they submit their manuscripts. This means that the material published in the journal can be shared, redistributed or adapted in any medium or format as long as the appropriate credit is established to its authors. In addition, and if applicable, it must be indicated if modifications were made.

With this we seek to make the published material available to the community, following the objective of nurturing international discussion and the growth of knowledge in the areas related to our Focus and Scope.

Copyright Policy

Once a contribution is accepted, it is understood that the author cedes to Culturas Científicas the rights of reproduction and distribution of their article in all countries of the world for its exploitation in any kind of media or format.

 Nevertheless, and as mentioned in the Open Access Policy, the authors will retain their copyright, guaranteeing Culturas Científicas the first publication of the article. All published articles will be subject to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

The authors can adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for their articles published by our journal (e.g. deposit in archives, publication in other journals or book compilation) as long as it is indicated that the original publication was made in Culturas Científicas and refer to it.

We encourage the authors to spread their articles through the internet in sites designated for it with the aim of motivating their reading and discussion.

Conflict of interest Policy

Both authors and reviewers of Revista Culturas Científicas must communicate any conflict of interest via official mail (revista.culturascientificas@usach.cl). The authors must communicate their conflicts of interest so that they are informed to their reviewers. The reviewers must refrain from reviewing if there is any conflict of interest with the authors (e.g. suspecting their identity) or with the research topic to be evaluated.

The journal will resolve controversial cases through its Editorial Committee. The latter will make its decisions based on both our Ethical Standards and the guidelines published by COPE. The Editorial Committee will take reasonable measures to sanction bad research practices and prevent the publication of articles, reviews or others where they have taken place.

In case there are allegations of misconduct in the investigation, the journal will take appropriate actions in the case after reviewing the background. These can range from correcting to retracting the publication of articles, publicly reporting the actions taken and apologizing if necessary (read more in 'Ethical Standards').