Ethical Standards

Culturas Científicas is a scientific journal that publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts with a double-blind method and that rejects both plagiarism and self-plagiarism practices. We declare that, in the event of any eventuality related to the aforementioned topics, establishments of authorship, misconduct of editors, reviewers, authors and others, we closely follow the guidelines of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE). In what follows we list the main responsibilities and commitments of those involved to make the functions of editors, reviewers, and authors transparent:  

a) Regarding the members of the Editorial Committee, its director and its editors. 

• Satisfy the needs of readers by maintaining the originality and quality of the published material.

• Commitment to constantly improve the magazine.

• Enforce the double-blind evaluation procedure.

• Provide reviewers with clear and concise review guidelines that exclusively evaluate the academic quality of the papers.

• Do not use criteria for acceptance or rejection of articles that are external to their quality, strictly excluding selection criteria based on the race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs of the authors.

• Guarantee the anonymity of the authors and reviewers throughout the evaluation process.

• Commitment of the director to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies if the situation warrants it.

• Report in a timely manner the receipt of contributions, results of decisions and correction deadlines for submitted articles.  

• Use the names or emails received exclusively for the purposes of the magazine.

b) Regarding the reviewers

• Refrain from reviewing and notify the Editorial Committee in the event of a conflict of interest or in case of knowing the identity of the author(s) in order to preserve the double-blind review procedure.

• Carry out the evaluation following the guidelines provided by the Editorial Committee, avoiding discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs of the authors.

• The reviewers are strictly prohibited from using, sharing or making public in any way the material entrusted to them.

In the event of a lack of these responsibilities by a member of the editorial committee or reviewer, the pertinent information will be compiled and informed to that person, giving him/her a period of 30 days for discharges and/or clarifications. After this, the committee will vote anonymously whether or not the person is removed of his/her position. Also, will be considered to deny his/her future possibility to access any position in the journal.

c) Regarding the authors:

• Guarantee the reliability of the data sent together with its contribution and and commitment to communicate any type of conflict of interest to the general editor (read more in 'Conflict of interest Policy')

• Guarantee that the article submitted does not fall into practices such as plagiarism or self-plagiarism, be it partial or total.

• Guarantee that the article submitted has not been previously published or has been submitted for consideration on any other journal (or, if the latter, an explanation is provided in the 'Comments to the editor').

• Accurately consign all the authors of the article that is being submitted in order to avoid ghost authors.