Editorial policies and standards

  • Format: Word system (.docx), letter size, with 2.5 centimetres indentation or margin on all sides. Documents must be left and right justified, with no special tabs and only one additional blank line between headings and paragraphs.

  • Official languages: Spanish and English.

  • Title: should be brief, concise and appropriate to the subject; written in Times New Roman (TNR) font size 12, all in capitals; no acronyms, abbreviations or abbreviations should be used in the title. Immediately below the title in the official language, the translated title in English should be placed, in TNR font size 10, also in capital letters.

  • Authorship: the author's name (Grade [Dr./a or Mg] Name and Surname) should be written in capital letters on the right-hand side. Below the author should be the name of the institution to which he/she belongs, city and country, e-mail address and ORCID number (https://orcid.org/). The ORCID form must contain the data requested by the platform. In the case of more than one author, the first will be the main author. Below, keeping the same format, are the secondary authors. In no case should the total number of authors' names exceed three. A footnote with a double asterisk at the end of the name of the main author (**) should be used to indicate the origin of the work, whether it comes from a research project (title, registration, sponsoring agency, year); paper, conference (places or instances of delivery); whether it is a personal or collective production; what type of academic writing it corresponds to: research article, review article, essay, etc.

  • Abstract: this should be written in font size 11 TNR. In this summary, the relevant elements of the research are presented: the research problem, methodology, main results and most relevant conclusion. This summary should not exceed eight lines of text or 650 single-spaced characters. Then, in a separate line, there should be five key words or operative concepts, separated by a semicolon (;) with respect to the content of the text. Both the abstract and the key words must, in a separate paragraph, be translated into English as Abstract and Keywords respectively.

  • Body of the text: it must be written in TNR body 12, single spacing, minimum length: 4 thousand words; maximum length: 8 thousand words, including bibliographical references. The writing should consider adhering to the style of the scientific article, complying with the IMRAD strategy Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
    In general, care should always be taken to address the writing under the traditional formula ofIntroduction, Problem Statement (should consider the State of the Art), Methodology, Results and Conclusions. At the end of the text, all bibliographical references should be included in alphabetical order. Everything cited in the paper must be referenced, and everything referenced is because it was cited in the paper.

    Optionally, at the end of the text (before the bibliographical references), brief acknowledgements or acknowledgements may be included, if appropriate. Italics are obligatory in the names of newspapers and journals (not in inverted commas). In turn, for literal notes-citations Inter texts of medium length (3 to 5 lines), left indentation (3 cm) and justification to the right, body size 11.

  • Citation: APA rules (7th edition) will be followed. The use of recognised academic bibliographic managers is recommended, in order to reduce the margins of error in citations. It is highly recommended to always include the DOI of the cited document in the bibliographic references.

  • Figures: if the contribution contains images or graphics, these must be uploaded, in JPEG format and with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, in a compressed folder with the different files. They must also be numbered consecutively and must be expressly mentioned in brackets within the text. For the citation of the same, follow the APA regulations (7th edition).

  • Metadata: Contributions must be submitted through the OJS platform of the journal Re-presentaciones, periodismo, comunicación y sociedad, completing all the information requested. The editorial team will not accept unfinished submissions.